Export Market
The market potential for United States Industrial and Consumers products to Nigerian markets are unlimited. The country is a beneficiary of United States's African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), which significantly boosted trade relations and business opportunities between both countries.
U.S export to Nigeria is estimated as over USD $4 billion annually. Most of these estimated goods and services include, but are not limited to: . Vehicles...................$900 million Industrial Machinery .......$500 million. . Mineral Fuels..................$400 million Computer Technologies....$300 million . Medical Apparatus..........$300 million Pharmaceuticals .................$250 million . Agricultural Products.....$225 million Aircraft & Spare Parts .........$225 million United States spends estimated amount of $2 billion annually importing mostly petroleum, Cocoa, and fertilizers from Nigeria. |
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In light of above Export Market Potential for United States goods and services
to Nigerian, if you are interested in Investments and further exploration of Export business opportunity to Nigeria, please contact our International Trade Representative at: COLLINGS CONTRACTING TECHNOLOGIES, LLC. Tel: 856-963-6800; Email: [email protected] We will be sure to get back to you at our earliest convenient time. Thanks for your interest. <<Back-To-Home Contact US>> |